Seasonal Offers at the Kingsmills
Special Offers
Here are all our latest Inverness hotel deals. Whether you’re looking for seasonal offers, spa breaks, weekend breaks, golf breaks or family breaks, you’ll find something for you. Book direct on our website to take advantage of these special offers and our best available rates. And if you need any help at all with your booking, please don’t hesitate to contact our reservations team.
Inverness Hotel Deals: Book Direct
It pays to book direct with The Kingsmills, as you’ll receive our best available rates. Yes, if you book with us on our website, not only do we have the best rates, but we offer free cancellation in line with our booking terms and conditions. And we have more special offers and packages for your enjoyment.
Seasonal Offers and Hotel Packages
Inverness and the Highlands of Scotland have something to offer in all seasons. From warm sunny days to cool snowy nights, the Kingsmills Hotel is a wonderful place to stay. So whether you’re planning to visit us in spring, summer, autumn or winter, be sure to check our special offers for the latest seasonal deal.
We cater for a range of different holidays, all with the exceptional service and luxury facilities The Kingsmills is known for. We offer themed packages, such as romantic breaks, family offers, spa packages and golf retreats, so you can plan the perfect break for you.
All of our offers include one or more nights of luxury accommodation at The Kingsmills, free parking, free Wi-Fi and use of our extensive leisure facilities. Some of our deals include dinner, bed and breakfast, and other little luxuries like wine and chocolates, spa treatments or event tickets. Please see each individual offer for a break down of what’s included.
Gifts and Vouchers
Our Inverness hotel deals and packages make fantastic gifts for friends and family. Whisk your other half away for a romantic stay, or book a delicious dinner for a well-deserving couple. Alternatively, you can purchase a Kingsmills gift voucher. Then the recipient can book their experience at a time to suit them.